Whatz the best team lineup (soccer) | buztrend

7:49 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Choose your preferred Team Lineup and Which color wins like,share.


Please comment below your preferred Team and which team wins #cool

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9 things about old mobile phones teenagers wont believe existed

12:44 AM Unknown 0 Comments


Mobile telephone has come a long way ever since the first mobile phone, DynaTAC was unveiled by Motorola. DynaTAC looked and felt like a brick, had a one line display and you could only make and receive calls. People who were born after the 1995s may not even have seen DynaTAC or that matter the next series of mobiles phones to hit the market.

Today we list the nine unbelievable things about pre-Android, pre-iOS feature phones which you wont believe existed.

1. Batteries went for weeks

Today if your smartphone battery lasts a whole day, you will count yourself lucky. Back in the days when Nokia and Motorola mobiles phones ruled the roost, the batteries of phones could go on and on. Nokia’s were particularly rugged and could carry on with a single charge for a weeks at end.

2. The best mobile game was Snake

There was a time when a game called Snake ruled mobile gaming. You would be surprised to know that people bought the mobile only if it had Snake aboard it. Snake was first released only for monochrome phones. Graphics consisted of black squares, and it had 4 directions. It was programmed in 1997 by Taneli Armanto, a design engineer in Nokia and introduced on the Nokia 6110.

3. Phones didn’t all look the same

Even if their configurations may differ widely, now, we have almost all smartphones looking the same. In those merry old days, you could get a mobile phone according to your choice, and believe me, the choice was wide. before the introduction of the first iPhone in 2007, phones came in a fantastic range of forms: magic springy things, foldy things, flippy things, things with aerials, things with keyboards.

4. The internet didn’t work

Back in those days of 1G or WAP, if you got through on Internet you would be considered the luckiest man/woman on Earth. It would take hours for a page to render on your itsy bitsy screen. We couldn’t load proper web pages, let alone music or video. And all of it was text based.

5. Nobody wanted a touchscreen

The earliest of the touchscreen phones were rejected by users because they lacked direction. You had to click a mile away to select a feature. Today’s capacitive multi-touch screens are fast and fluid, but pre-2007, any phone with a touchscreen had a resistive one that you had to poke a hundred times with a stylus, and you had to calibrate that or the screen would decide you’d tapped about two centimetres away from where you actually had.

6. Using Windows was considered futuristic

In the 2000s Windows powered phone was considered the ultimate test of technology. When the world’s first smartphone running on Windows Mobile, Orange SPV, was released by HTC, websites, and media was agog with its news and features for weeks. However, like always, Google and Apple stole the march over Microsoft and Microsoft ended up being a fringe player in the smartphone market.

7. Users paid actual money to replace the operator logo

In those days everything came for a fee. You had to change ringtone, wallpaper or access your voicemails, you would be charged absurd amount by the service providers. Heck, even incoming calls were charged in those days.

8. Phones were unbreakable

Smartphones today need replacement even if they just slip out of your hands or your little one nips on the USB port. Back in those days mobiles were pretty indestructible with Nokia being one of the most rugged makers. You could even hit and hurt someone with a Nokia.

9. Nokia was Apple

Nokia was the king, queen and everything in those days. Nokia was Apple! Buying a Nokia mobile phone was considered the ultimate target of buyers when lots of other phones existed. In its hey days, 9 1⁄2 people out of 10 bought a Nokia. It was rugged, it was powerful, it could connect even from sewers and its battery lasted weeks. Nokia was a dream to own in those days.

Do you oldies remember your first phone and what it was like to use it comparing with today’s smartphones. Do write in the comments about your experience with your pre-Android and pre-iOS phones

posted from Bloggeroid


Google Making New Messaging App To Challenge Facebook And WhatsApp, Powered by AI

12:22 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Google came out with a blast when it launched Google plus with hangouts features. Initial spikes in the liking because of generated interests by the people slacked down and Google hangouts was labeled as a failure. To keep the hangouts and Google Plus alive, Google integrated Google Plus with SEO. Well, that was very strategic but still, Google chat option saw a doomed future.
One of the basic problems of hangouts was its association with Google plus. Google eventually separated Hangouts and made it a standalone app. The company even went an extra mile by allowing users to send Hangout invites to those without Google account. But these scenes came much later in the picture when the fate was already decided.

Even though Google tried to bring everything – phone calls, SMS, messaging and video conferencing – in one place on Hangouts, it really did not work well to attract audiences that seemed more inclined towards WhatsApp, WeChat and others.

According to recent figures, around 900 million people are now using WhatsApp. WhatsApp was bought by Facebook for $19 billion in 2014, and another 700 million people use the Messenger service that Facebook developed internally. That means around 1.6 billion people are using Facebook Services to exchange messages which is a massive figure- the market Google is missing.

Also read: Facebook is bringing games to its messenger app

Google’s New Messaging App:

Google’s new Messaging app would be capable of doing almost everything that a normal Google search can, such as offering up answers and providing links to web pages etc. It will leverage on Google’s artificial intelligence technology to offers chatbots that will message like a real person. Users can ask questions related to weather, news, and images and the chatbots will respond.

Even though Google has been pushing up the ‘Google Now‘ feature everywhere, it knows how critical a chatting app is for users.

What do you think Google’s new messaging app based on intelligent chatbots will be successful?

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10 Most Popular Programming Languages of 2015 | buzztrend

12:16 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Programming Language People Wanted To Learn The Most In 2015:

Which programming language did you learn this year? Tell us in the comments below.

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How A 17-Year-Old Impressed Zuckerberg to Become One of Facebook’s Youngest Employees

12:07 AM Unknown 0 Comments

buzzTrend: Michael Sayman is one of the youngest employees of Facebook, working as a Software Developer. He struggled his way through the family financial crisis and wrote an iOS app that topped the game charts. It all started just five years back when this teenage app prodigy developed an interest in programming and wrote his first app.

his is the story of Michael Sayman, one of Facebook’s youngest employees and how he landed his job. Getting a job at Facebook isn’t an easy task and our article on the toughest Facebook interview questions must have convinced you. You must possess some extraordinary talent to impress the nerdy brain of Mr. Zuckerberg and enter 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, California.
Telling his story in a Facebook TechPrep video, Michael Sayman tells how he was able to provide for his whole family during the recession when his family lost their house.

It was just five years back when this teenage app prodigy developed an interest in programming and decided to make his own website based on WordPress to share tips and tricks for his favorite game Disney’s Club Penguin.

It had been just about one year since Steve Jobs had announced the opening of iOS app store. So, he wanted to code a mobile app to make his website more popular. Sadly, he didn’t know anybody to teach him how to write an app. “It was a horrible process of learning, absolutely the worst. My school didn’t offer computer classes so that’s what I had to do,” he said.

So, he decided to take the ultimate route of internet and figured out how to make his app. For the Apple app store registration, he needed the $100 fee. As his family was financially struggling, his mom said if he couldn’t convert the app into sales, he would have to work at the family’s Peruvian chicken restaurant.

When he launched his app, those were the pretty early days with just 1,500 apps in the iOS Store. Eventually, his app rose to the top 10. The Hustle writes, “On the first day, Michael made $40, then $120, and $179. He made $5,000 the first month. On the first day, Michael made $40, then $120, and $179. He made $5,000 the first month.”

Get Epic iOS9 Game Coding Bundle here.

“After the first check arrived I was like, ‘Oh my gosh he’s earning more than me!” his mom, Cristina Sayman, said.

At the same time, due to the recession, his family was struggling and his father lost his job. It was the time when he came up with the idea of ‘4 Snaps.’ In this game, players will take 4 pictures and ask the others to guess the word.

At the time he submitted his new app to the App Store in May 2013, he failed half of his final exams.

Michael publicized the app by paying Instagrammers about $40/day, something he was struggling to afford. But, his risk paid off and his app rose the #127 position in the App store World Games list, eventually to #1.

Technology companies like Facebook are known to keep an eye on such prodigies and same was the case with Michael. A Facebook recruiter reached out to him and offered him a summer internship. Along with his mother, he was taken to the Parse dev conference and given a tour of the world of Facebook.

Unsurprisingly, Michael said, “It was like a Disney World but for tech people.” Talking about Zuckerberg, he said, “He sits down on his desk, puts his feet up, has a soccer ball, and he’s dribbling it. And I’m like, ‘Is this real life right now?”

He got an internship at Facebook for $6,000 a month and today he’s a software developer at Facebook. Here are the famous apps written by him:

* Club Penguin Cheats app
* 4 Snaps
* Super Stickman Jump
* PokeGear
* Bubble Bounce
* GuideZilla
* The Impossible
* Doodle Town

Did you like this story of Michael Sayman? Tell us your views in the comments below.

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Online Jersey Maker V1

1:28 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Komodo HTML Sample

The Online Jersey Maker v1



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These Are the 5 Richest Superheroes in movies

9:17 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Join The Money Circle 1000$$ a month...

4:20 AM Unknown 1 Comments

Join and Make money

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Top 10 Android Hacking Apps and Tools Of 2015 for hackers and security researchers

2:54 AM Unknown 0 Comments

BY Trend speaks ON DECEMBER 27, 2015 TECHNOLOGY

Here’s the 10 best Android hacking apps and tools of 2015

With the rise of technology and advancements in the mobile field, hacking these days have become very common which was once thought to be done only by those who have an expert knowledge on computers. Even everyday things such as a smart device is hacked nowadays. Android Mobiles can run penetration testing and security test from hacking android apps.

Hacking apps are used by some people just to explore the world of technology or to override security measures that are installed on their mobile devices.

As we are nearing towards the end of 2015, let’s have a look at the top 10 hacking apps of 2015 for android.

1. Hackode

Hackode is one of the best applications for people who want to hack their android devices. The hacker’s Toolbox is an application for penetration tester, Ethical hackers, IT administrator and Cyber security professional to perform different tasks like Google Hacking, Reconnaissance, DNS Dig, Exploits, Security Rss Feed and many more.

2. AndroRAT

AndroRAT, short for Remote Administration Tool for Android, is a client/server application developed in Java Android for the client side and in Java/Swing for the Server, which is used to control a system without having physical access to the system.

3. SpoofApp

SpoofApp is definitely used for fun over functionality. It allow you to spoof (Place) calls with any caller ID number. Basically you can manipulate what number shows up on your friend’s phone when you call. Some other features includes voice changer using which we can change our voice and can even record the entire conversation. To spoof calls, you need to buy SpoofCards which are sold separately.

4. WhatsApp Sniffer

WhatsApp Sniffer is a great android hacking app, which works in tandem with the WhatsApp application. Using this app, you can hack private WhatsApp chats, pictures, audios and videos of your friends who are using your WiFi Hotspot. You can manipulate pictures, videos, account info at your pleasure. It is detected by antivirus so disable your antivirus before using this app.

5. APK Inspector

APK Inspector is a great tool that any general app user will love. It’s main purpose is to reverse engineer any android application. This means that you can get the source code of any android application and edit it in order to remove licence and credits. However, most analysts use it as a powerful GUI tool to see the workings of an Android app as well as understand the coding behind it.

6. Eviloperator

This app automatically connects two person in a phone call making them feel that they called each other. Eviloperator’s biggest merit would probably have to be that you can record and save the conversation.

7. WiFi Killer

This app is used to block a person who is using your WiFi network. You can disable internet connection of any device that is using your network.

8. DroidSheep

DroidSheep is a fantastic hacking app for beginners and anyone else who wants to dabble into the hacking world. This app can be easily used by anybody who has an Android device and only the provider of the web service can protect the users. So, anyone can test the security of his account by himself and can decide whether to continue using the web service.

9. Burp Suite

Burp Suite is kind of like a proofreader or fail safe. It is an integrated platform for performing security testing of web applications. Its various tools work seamlessly together to support the entire testing process, from initial mapping and analysis of an application’s attack surface, through to finding and evaluation of potential security threats.

10. dSploit

dSploit is an Android network analysis and penetration suite to perform network security assessments on mobile phones. It is a complete toolkit so that you can perform various attacks like password sniffing, real time traffic manipulation, etc.

This is the yearly roundup of the top hacking apps and tools available for Android smartphones If you like any other hacking app which is not mentioned above, kindly drop the name in the comments so that we can include it in the new list of 2016.
All can be downloaded at any safe web or store make sure file is scanned properly by your anti virus... 😈


Top 14 Best Paying CPC/PPC Ad Networks

11:47 AM Unknown 0 Comments

PPC ad networks are pretty much proven models that can provide profits for webmasters who publish ads using them.

But which CPC/PPC ad network should you join? or which one is the top ppc ad network? So, here we have for you, the 13 Top Ad Networks (PPC).

Before we start, we’d like to let you know that rating them can be a problem, but there are ways in which you can determine which one is best for your monetization needs.

One of the more obvious ways to see if a network is any good would be the traffic volume it generates and how many advertisers it has. More advertisers means more people people competing for your ad space.

Just as important, you should find out about their ads’ conversion rate. Finally, there’s also theaverage click pricing to consider.

The basic question is: which PPC ad network will make you the most money or which one is the best ad network? Irrespective of what network you use or plan to use, I recommend to A/B test ad placements, size to improve your click-through-rates and eCPM (Disclaimer: AdPushup is an Ad Revenue tool which does this testing to improve ad revenues from ad networks)

With the following ad networks, you’ll get the best possible odds of making money off ads. There’s no such thing as a sure thing, but you may as well arm yourself with the most promising ad network candidates:

1. Google AdSense

No list of this type would be complete without mentioning the Google Ad network (The Undisputed King of PPC Ad networks or easily the best ad network). For bloggers and other website owners, the place to go is Google AdSense.

One of the main benefits of AdSense is that Google works with millions of advertisers (it’s Google’s main source of income) and this makes it more likely that they can deliver ads that are both relevant and high quality which in turns leads to a higher CTR and more money for you.

As the website owner, you can control just what types of ads appear on pages of your site. You’ll have access to reports and metrics which can show just how effective your website is working for you. It’s very easy to use, and there are no signup fee involved. If, you already use Adsense, read some testing and optimization tips to increase your Adsense earnings. You’ll get to display ads that are associated with the interests of your visitors, and you get paid depending on the number of visitors who click on the ads on your site. You can also put in a custom search bars on your site, and earn money from the ads that appear on the search results page. You just need to have sufficient ad space and decide where the ads should go. Advertisers then participate in a real time auction to appear in your ad spaces and the highest paying ads then appear on your reserved ad spaces. This video shows you how the auction works.

A lot of people make money from Adsense, so what’s the catch? If Google AdSense is so good, why doesn’t everyone use it? The simple reason why- not everyone uses Adsense is that not everyone is approved to join the network. You have to be approved, and that means you have to comply with all the conditions Google has laid out. For example, if the primary language you use in your ad is not among their list of supported languages, then you’re out of luck.

Many former AdSense members have also been suspended because they’ve been accused of click fraud. Of course, being accused is not the same as being guilty, but Google is both your accuser and judge. If they say they’re suspending your account, there’s not much you can do. You can appeal, but since you’re also appealing to Google… well, you get the idea. So make sure your never completely dependent on it. So despite the Google monolith, there’s space for ad network alternatives out there.

2. Media Net

This is the Yahoo-Bing ad network and this PPC ad network pretty much gives you an idea of just how dominant Google’s PPC ad network is. Internet giants like Yahoo and Microsoft actually had to combine their efforts and resources in order to offer a viable ad network alternative to AdSense.

Media Net gives you relevant ads, and you also have tools to track your performance in real time. You can control how the ads look so that they fit right in with your color palette, and you can filter advertisers and block ad topics. While the number of advertisers can actually compare to Google’s, the conditions for being approved may actually be more difficult for many international bloggers.

Aside from the usual conditions such as having high quality traffic and content, your site’s visitors should mostly come from the US, Canada, or the UK. You’re also required to use English as your site’s primary language.

3. Revcontent
Revcontent is one of the biggest content recommendation platforms on the internet. Even though Revcontent was founded several years after its competitors Outbrain and Taboola, it has managed to play catch up exceedingly well and currently serves 100 billion content recommendations a month across the globe with a growth rate of 900% last year.

Revcontent rejects almost 98% of websites that apply – focusing therefore on the quality of its publisher network rather than the quantity. This strategy has helped Revcontent generate higher revenues, better engagement rates, and loyal audiences for their partners.

As part of continuous product improvement efforts, they’ve just launched Revcontent v2, which features an intuitive user interface that enables transparent reporting and easier customization of widgets.

4. Bidvertiser

While not quite as well-known as the first two, Bidvertiser does have some benefits especially if you’ve been banned from AdSense for some reason. If you have a website and you want to join, there are the usual conditions such as not allowing adult sites as well as those sites that sell illegal drugs and those with too much profanity and hate speech. You can’t join if your website is under construction, or if your site already has too much advertising to begin with.

However, many have commented that the approval process is quick and easy because there seems to be no requirement regarding traffic volume and language used. There’s an easy installation with an HTML code to be added to your webpages, and you can easily change the appearance of the ads. The payout may not be as high per click, but you earn money not just on clicks but on conversions as well. Conversions are when the clicking visitor goes to the advertiser’s website and actually makes a purchase.

There are still problems, though. If you are focused on a small niche, then the ads that appear may not be all that relevant to your site. And the reporting is not quite as detailed as they ought to be; you don’t get a lot of info regarding impressions or click through rates.

5. Chitika

While the AdSense-deprived website owners may be flocking to alternatives, the thing about Chitika is that you can use it alongside other ad networks. It is also considered one of the best ad networks for adsense banned sites. Approval can take a while (it may take up to a week), but then you only need to have one of your websites approved. After you obtain the approval for that one website, you can then use Chitika for any of your other websites. You can also resize mobile ads to make it easier for you to generate income from mobile traffic.

The pay per click rates will of course depend on the keywords and niche, and the PPC rates may be considered lower than other ad networks in general. But, there’s a low pay out limit before you get your money. You’ll need to generate $50 if you want your money by check but if taking payment through PayPal the limit is only $10. The main difference between Chitika and the other ad networks is that the ads aren’t contextual at all. Instead, the ads depend on the keywords that the visitor typed in the search engine to get to your site. This can result in somewhat more relevant ads too.

6. Infolinks

The Infolinks PPC ad network is one of the more popular supplementary income sources for those who already use one of the major PPC ad networks. That’s because the ads here are comparatively unobtrusive—they don’t have standard banner space. Instead, the ads (insearch, intext, intag, inframe) appear minimized or in hyperlinks, and visitors need only to hover their mouse pointers over the links for the ads to appear. Approval time is quite short, and that’s because it’s based mainly on content and not on the amount of traffic you generate.

The installation is easy with java script added to the body of your site. You can even use a plugin that does the work for you if you use WordPress, joomla, Blogger, or Drupal. You have a lot of control over the ads as to location and number, and the support system is very quick to respond. To maximize your earnings, however, you’ll need a lot of traffic from the US or UK. Infolinks also only offer ads in English and Spanish.

7. Clicksor

This is another haven of AdSense exiles, and the thing about Clicksor ads is that it doesn’t look quite like the ads in AdSense (which many ad networks seem to emulate). There are numerous sizes available to make your ads look different, and there are unique types of ads as well. It’s also very easy to install, and like Infolinks there’s a plugin if you use WordPress, joomla, Blogger, or Drupal. The approval process is quite quick, and you can have ads from other networks on the same page as long as you only have 3 ad units from Clicksor at the most.

8. Vibrant Media

This is one of the more well-known PPC ad networks right now, and their premium brand advertisers can be seen in a lot of popular high traffic sites. Their PPC rates are among the highest in the industry, but the catch is that they just don’t let any website join in the fun. They have to consider your site to be a premium site, and one of the conditions seems to be that you ought to get at least half a million page views each month. The usual publisher guidelines are also in play, so this means you can’t have anything to do with adult, gambling, drugs, profanity, hate speech, violence (you can’t even sell stun guns), or just about anything illegal.

The types of ads Vibrant Media has are quite innovative, with 11 intext ad formats available to use. This includes expanding video boxes, multi-button videos and expandable flash. There’s also in-image advertising, which a lot of visitors find professional and unobtrusive.

The ads are so effective that the click through rates can be 5 times higher than the ads generated by AdSense. They also look great on mobile devices like tablets and smartphones. So if you are already successful in luring lots of visitors to your site, you can leverage that popularity by joining Vibrant Media and partnering with other premium advertisers.

9. Exit Junction

For many website owners, bounced traffic (when a visitor enters your site and takes just a single look before leaving) may be generally considered worthless. After all, they didn’t stay long enough to visit the other pages, and therefore they didn’t click on the ads on the site. But the appropriately named Exit Junction allows you to supplement your PPC advertising income by showing these visitors, ad they can click on so that you earn money.

When you have Exit Junction installed, and your visitors click on the back button after seeing the landing page they don’t go straight back to the search engine page results they usually came from. Instead, they are taken to a list of sponsored results based on the keywords they typed. For those who decide to explore, their user experience is unaffected. The review and approval process to enter is very quick, and you don’t need to generate lots of traffic to be accepted. (That’s a relief if you have high bounce rates!

Installation is quite easy, and your income from Exit Junction doesn’t compete at all with the ads from other ad networks featured on your site. Since the visitor has effectively decided to leave your site when they see the ads, you don’t have a say on how the ads appear.

10. PocketCents

It’s a pretty straightforward ad network with fixed rates for PPC. For publishing websites, there’s no sign up or upfront costs, and there’s restrictions regarding page views per month. They earn money from plain-text, hybrid, banner, and video-advertisements. You may need some skills to set up the ads, but after the setup very little effort from you is required for maintenance. Payout is mainly through PayPal, with a $10 minimum payout. For webmasters in the United States, Canada, and in some European countries, there’s a check option as well. The fixed PPC rate scheme for Pocketcents goes like this: the ad network charges 25 cents per click for advertisers, and from that you get 15 cents as a publisher.

While in its early years there were complaints about some snafus regarding the reports, but lately they’ve seem to have made the appropriate improvements about this. The advertising base is also growing rapidly, which ought to give you lots of options.

11. Blogads

With a name like that, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the ad network focuses its efforts on helping blogs maximize their profits through PPC ads. If your blog discusses just about anything under the sun then advertisers may wait until you have at least half a million impressions per month before they start to advertise on your site. But if you focus on a very narrow niche (you’re all about werewolves or Chilean football players) then even 30k impressions per month may suffice. As a publisher, you control your own ad offerings and prices, so the income you generate is all up to you.

12. Kontera

Getting into Kontera seems easy and quick enough, and as long as you don’t have any adult content you should have no problems. The installation is easy and they also have a plugin for WordPress, joomla, Blogger, or Drupal. The ads look impressive enough that you won’t be embarrassed by them, and they have a large ad inventory. The rates are decent too, and you even get $50 bonus if your site gets at least 25 thousand page views in the first month with Kontera. They specialize in “in-text” advertising, and they are focused more on the user’s search terms.

13. CPX Interactive

You can sign up easily with this PPC ad network, but approval may take a bit of time. That’s because CPX Interactive checks to see if you have at least 30 thousand impressions per month, and that your privacy policy complies with the CPX conditions regarding use of data. But then again they allow you to choose another ad network to work with alongside CPX.

There are lots of choices regarding the types and sizes of ads, and the account management system, dashboard and reporting tools are quite comprehensive. But you’re on your own when it comes to analyzing the data, which for non-techies can be quite frustrating. The minimum
14. Click Booth

Clickbooth’s CPC Network leverages years of performance based marketing knowledge to yield the highest eCPM’s in the industry from compliant, high performing campaigns. By cutting a layer out of the equation, Clickbooth is able to outperform the competition by 30-40%. With revenue share and CPM models available, CBCPC has quickly become the “go to” ad-serving solution for all the top Comscore and Alexa properties. Currently, CBCPC serves over 6.5 Billion impressions a month on some of the most premium, sought after sites in the US and abroad including NBC, FOX and more.

When asked about why Publishers should choose ClickBooth, this is what Chris Butlin, Director of CBCPC Publishing had to say “Publishers should choose CBCPC because our industry experts are dedicated to creating long term monetization solutions for your site. We provide our clients access to the largest network of premium advertisers automatically delivered to their site through advanced algorithms. These algorithms factor in consumer feedback mechanisms to determine the most compatible ads for the site’s psychographics and demographics”.

Bonus: 15. Sulvo

Sulvo is actually not an ad network but a fundamentally different startup that is focused on getting the highest quality online ad buyers to premium publishers and having them as close to each other as possible. Among the offerings there is a 100% Revenue Share plan which only has a flat-rate cost so publishers can actually limit Sulvo’s earnings while raising their own profits.

There is the possibility to waive the flat-rate cost in case if the publisher elects for a revenue share plan in which Sulvo will only take 10%. There are also a complete set of inventory controls which covers everything that premium publishers might need such as numerous ad sizes and ad color variations, different ad types (display, video and mobile), manual or automated pricing controls and buyer blocking for any category, advertiser or specific ad creative.

Payments are sent out on a net 60 basis and the payout methods include: Wire Transfer, Paper Check, Direct Deposit, Paypal and even Bitcoins however that is in closed beta as of right now.


So that’s it. That’s 14 CPC ad networks (can also be considered the top ad networks) to choose from, and this list ought to give you an additional zing in your income column. In case that’s not enough, here are 21 more ad networks, you can look at. You can also Take your earnings to the next level and optimize any ad network  on your website using our ad revenue optimization tool. With a dozen options, there’s at least one that will make you some serious money! Do post your comments about your experience with the networks after trying them.

That's it **winks**


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10:37 PM Unknown 0 Comments

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9:33 AM Unknown 0 Comments

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Guy With Most Unfortunate Name Ever Keeps Getting Banned From Facebook

6:38 AM Unknown 0 Comments

An exasperated Vietnamese-Australian man has been forced to post a photo of his passport to Facebook to prove his name after being banned several times

Phuc Dat Bich, 23, told Facebook followers he finds it “highly irritating” that nobody believes him when he tells them his full legal name. So, to finally put the issue to bed, he posted a photo of his old passport clearly displaying his name – whose correct pronunciation is approximately “Phoo Da Bic” – and it has been shared tens of thousands of times.

In a rant accompanying the photograph, the Bank of Australia worker wrote:

"I’ve been accused of using a false and misleading name, which I find very offensive. I find it highly irritating the fact that nobody seems to believe me when I say that my full legal name is how you see it. Is it because I’m Asian? Is it? Having my [Facebook account] shut down multiple times and forced to change my name to my ‘real’ name, so just to put it out there. My name. Yours sincerely, Phuc Dat Bich."

Please don't forget to write your comment on what you think and write any other funny names **winks**


How to Bet on Soccer without loosing

11:56 PM Unknown 4 Comments

Soccer (or football depending on your country) is the most popular sport to bet on in the world. You may be asking yourself: how to start betting? What are the basic principles and terminology of online betting? How to make money in soccer betting? How to use online betting tips? If you are a beginner and looking for answers, this is the right place to start.


1.  Decide on your maximum budget. First, decide about you maximum betting budget. On the one hand, a budget that is too high may result in personal bankruptcy. On the other hand, a small budget might limit you a bit. Following the rules of this article and placing the right wagers will reduce the risk of high losses almost to zero. The “rule of thumb” for a beginner's maximum budget is #1,000.

2.  Decide on your maximum bet. Placing all your money on one outcome you believe in will not do the trick. Only distributing the risk between multiple games will result in profits. Thus, limiting your maximum bet will increase your chances to win. The “rule of thumb” for a beginner's maximum bet is #200.

3. Choose the correct betting category. Start betting on two basic categories only: Full Time Result and Total Under/Over 2.5 goals. Full Time Result means selecting one of three possible game outcomes: Home Win, Draw or Away Win. Total Under/Over 2.5 means selecting whether the total number of goals scored in a match will be under or over 2.5. Advanced statistical models have proven that betting on those two categories is the most effective. In maths we trust!

4. Understand the outcome probabilities. The probabilities of match outcome are usually defined in the range between 0% (no chance) and 100% (a sure bet). For example, the Full Time Outcome Probabilities may be as follows: Home Win = 60%, Draw = 15%, Away Win = 25%. And the Total Under/Over 2.5 Probabilities: Under 2.5 = 45%, Over 2.5 = 55%. The sum of all Full Time Outcome Probabilities must be equal to 100%, since one of these three outcomes will indeed take place. The sum of Total Under/Over 2.5 Probabilities must be equal to 100% too, since the total number of goals scored during any soccer match will be either under or over 2.5. In other words, the probability of any outcome expresses your belief in this outcome, scaled between 0% and 100%. Probabilities are also widely known as "betting tips" or "predictions", and can be found on the web. Let's explain how you can evaluate them.

Find a good website or betting tips. The best way to find probabilities of match outcomes is by using Internet resources. There are a number of sites that provide free tips. Type "soccer betting tips" in Google and you will find most of them. When choosing your site, check that the tips provided perform well with time by comparing between the probabilities and the real match outcomes. The bigger the difference between the tips and the bookmakers' predictions (will be explained later), the bigger are your profits.

6.  Understand the "Fixed Odds" market. Bookmakers define fixed odds for each of the Full Time and Under/Over 2.5 outcomes. For example, the Full Time outcomes odds can be: Home Win = 1.5, Draw = 3.6, Away Win = 5.8. That means that if you place $100 on Home Win and win, you will get $100 * 1.5 = $150 from the bookmaker. If not, you lose your $100. Thus, odds are basically your stake multiplier, and you interested in the highest odds for the outcome you bet on.

7. Understand the connection between odds and probabilities. Given the odds above, try calculating their inverse: 1/1.5, 1/3.6, 1/5.8, and multiply by 100%. You will get the probabilities of bookmaker for the given outcome: Home Win = 66%, Draw = 27%, Away Win = 17%. Unfortunately, when you calculate their sum as in the previous example, you will not get 100%, but 110%. The 10% difference represents the commissions that the bookmaker adds to the odds. Subtracting 10%/3 from the three above will give you the exact bookies' probabilities: Home Win = 63%, Draw = 24%, Away Win = 13%.

8. Choose your bookmaker. The best bookmaker for you is the bookmaker with the highest odds for the outcome you choose to bet on. Betting tips websites will generally offer you a list of bookmakers and their odds for each game. You may choose the bookmaker with the highest odds and register in order to place your stake.

9. Compare the odds and your betting probabilities. A well known way to compare bookmakers' odds and your probabilities is simply by multiplying among them. If you get a high value for some outcome, it means you have a good chance for profit. However, if your predictions are inaccurate, your calculation of the outcome's potential might be wrong. For example, if the bookies' odds are set to be: Home Win = 1.5, Draw = 3.6, Away Win = 5.8 and the tips you found on the web are: Home Win = 60%, Draw = 15%, Away Win = 25%, then multiplying results in the following potential for each outcome: Home Win = 1.5 * 60% = 0.9, Draw = 3.6 * 15% = 0.54, Away Win = 5.8 * 25%=1.45. You can see that in this case, the potential of Away Win is the highest. Unfortunately, the probability of Away Win = 25% and thus, if you decide betting on Away Win, your chances to win will be only 25%.

10. Find a stake with high winning potential. The "rule of thumb" is: place a stake on the outcomes with odds that are higher than 3 and a probability that is higher than 40%. In this case, the value of the outcome will be 1.3. This is how you calculate the stake: Stake = 1/100 * Budget * (Probability – (100%-Probability) / (Odds-1)). For example, when Odds for Home Win = 3.0, the Probability of Home Win = 40% and Budget = $1000, the stake you have to place will be: Stake = 1/100 * $1000 * (40% - (100%-40%) / (3-1)) = $100. Since the maximal sum allowed is $50, this will be your stake. If the calculated stake is less than 0, don't bet.

11. Choose your leagues. Once you found your best tipping website, you may evaluate its performance for each league by comparing between the tips it provides and the real match results. Choose those leagues, where the site's performance is most accurate, and the difference between the site's and the bookies' predictions is biggest. In this way you will greatly increase your chances of winning.

12. Consider the unpredictable factors. Try taking into account the following factors, which might influence the predictions. Match type: International / national league, a cup, or a friendly game. Cups'/friendly games' predictions are usually incorrect. Match priority: since a team's resources are not unlimited, each team defines priority for the forthcoming matches. Be careful not to bet on the low priority matches. Match time: remember that predictions are usually inaccurate at the beginning and at the end of the season. Players' injuries, illnesses and transfers might change the predictions significantly, especially in the cases of key players.

13. Place a stake with the best bookmaker you have found for selected game. Don't forget to collect your money when the game is over if you have won.

WARNINGS :::::::::::::;;:::>

Only bet if it is legal to do so in your state or country and that you meet the requirements to gamble by law.
If you gamble a lot of money, you can win a lot, but you can also LOSE A LOT. Be prepared to lose but always hope to win.
If you do lose, be prepared to walk away, no matter how tempted you are. You don't want to lose even more than you have done already, which could result in bankruptcy.
If you win, don't get carried away. Enjoy what you've won and come back later.
Gambling is addictive: if you are experiencing a problem with gambling, tell someone or call your local helpline.

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6:34 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Are you new to AdSense or still struggling to earn with AdSense. if yes you have just fund the right website.
Today I'm going to tutor you on basic things needed to earn with Google AdSense but first let let's know some terms relating to Google AdSense:

What is Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is a free and simple easy to use program design by Google network which allow sites owners or publishers of all kind and sizes to earn money by displaying targeted ads on their websites.

What is CTR?

Ctr means click through rate which is the number of advert clicked on a website divide by the number of ads of a page viewed in simple term, if you have an advert running on a particular page and it is seen by 1000 visitors but only 10 visitors clicked your advert, your ctr is 10% (10/100*100).

What is CPC?

CPC means cost-per-click which is the revenue you earn each time a visitor click your advert, CPC is determined by the advertisers.

What is CPM?

CPM is cost per 1000 impressions,advertisers running CPM ads set their desired price per 1000 ads served and pay each time their ad appears.

Let's start with the basic things you need to do before you start earning with AdSense,

First, choose the right domain name from godaddy.com,hostgator.com or any trusted domain website,if you want to run a blog,use only wordpress.com,blogger.com for free hosting or WordPress.org for paid hosting and it is recommended that you use if your main aim is to earn money with it.

* Read and learn more on how to design a unique WordPress blog.

* Learn about color combination and website layouts because website layout will generate higher amount of trust to your website.

You have to design your website with cool logos fonts and menus etc

The basic things needed on your site is have your home page with the following pages in it :-

* Home page as a page where all your post will be seen. You have to understand your home page because if your homepage is properly designed it will give you more ranking..

* About page as a page which talk about your website.

* Contact us page as a page where your visitors can use to send you private messages, this include email,phone number and so on.

* Terms and conditions page as a page that guides your visitors.

* Sitemaps page for submitting to Google webmaster tools.

* Author page as a page that talks about the owner of a particular website.

* Table of content as a place that link all your pages together example Home>AdSense>how to earn money with Google AdSense.

* advertisements this are the ads you place on your website to start earning money.

To the final step, before you create a post always make use of keywords with Google AdWord keyword planner and keywordspy to get better name for your website.
If you follow the steps correctly and work hard i bet you will be earning 1000$-2000$ or more per month, don't forget that hard work pays.

NOTE: if you have any problem about my blog or misunderstanding please don't hesitate to comment on it and if there is any post or topic that you are looking for and its not in my blog please comment! comment!! comment!!!



11:35 AM Unknown 0 Comments

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3 Questions to Keep Any Conversation Moving

9:15 AM Unknown 2 Comments

Trends speaks: Whether you want to build a network or want to meet some new friends - One of the BIGGEST problems you may face is the awkward silence. How to fill it? What to say? And after that, what next? How would you keep the conversation going? Not knowing how to keep a conversation going can really harm your social life, but if you know how to keep those words flowing, you can meet, talk to, and get to know pretty much anyone you like—creating great possibilities for friendship, fun, and shared activities that you would otherwise have missed out on. So here are 3 questions that will keep ANY conversation moving:


"Must be interesting to work there, tell me what you do during the day..."

After asking what is he or she does for living, and it happens to be something vague, like "integrating/managing/corporating etc. " you should drop something like "Must be interesting to work there, tell me what you do during the day...". This question will help you understand what this person actually does for living and will show him/her that you are truly interested. It is crucial that you listen attentively when the other person is speaking instead of worrying about what you should say next. This will help you to understand what you have in common and will give you plenty of topics to talk about.


“How did you get into that industry?”
Everyone has a story of how things happened the way they did. And all you have to do is to give a person an opportunity to tell it. This what this question is for. Why this person decided to become a teacher/doctor/lawyer or whatever he/she became? Maybe there is an interesting story behind? People love to talk about themselves, especially when there is someone who listens.


"What are you into outside of work?"

This is a great way to talk about hobbies and passions, books and music. This is a question that will let you find out anything about the person you are talking to. Just show genuine interest and enthusiasm. Show esteem and respect for the other person and get the other person to speak frankly and openly.

The art of managing conversation lies in knowing when you should be directing things and when you should let the conversation take its natural course. To start with you might need to remind yourself of these questions but as you continue things will get easier. Eventually you’ll be able to carry a conversation easily without even thinking about it.


A minute or More I was The Owner.

12:09 PM Unknown 2 Comments

Feeel the Guy that bought google.com for a minute

Trends-speaks: Sanmay Ved, the guy who bought Google.com for a minute, has been rewarded by Google. Surprisingly, Ved has decided to donate the reward money to charity.

You must have read the story of Sanmay Ved who ended up buying Google.com. However, just within a minute, the Mountain View company was able to spot it and cancel the transaction.
After Google acknowledged the mistake, the company rewarded Ved. But, when the company came to know it that Ved wishes to donate it to charity, it decided to double his reward.

“I don’t care about the money, ” Ved says. “It was never about the money. I also want to set an example that it’s people who want to find bugs that it’s not always about the money.”

Ved hasn’t revealed the exact amount he’s receiving from Google, but he hints that it’s more than $10,000. Apparently, Ved isrewarding

It should be noted that Google is known for rewarding the white hat hackers with bug bounty ranging from $100 to $20,000.

Last week, in a stroke of luck, Ved ended up noticing that Google.com was available for purchase on Sept. 29. He proceeded to buy the domain for $12 and he gained access to the webmaster controls before Google canceled the transaction.

Have something to add? Tell us in the comments below. Or visit my Facebook page @ Facebook.com/apo boiz swagger