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Are you new to AdSense or still struggling to earn with AdSense. if yes you have just fund the right website.
Today I'm going to tutor you on basic things needed to earn with Google AdSense but first let let's know some terms relating to Google AdSense:

What is Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is a free and simple easy to use program design by Google network which allow sites owners or publishers of all kind and sizes to earn money by displaying targeted ads on their websites.

What is CTR?

Ctr means click through rate which is the number of advert clicked on a website divide by the number of ads of a page viewed in simple term, if you have an advert running on a particular page and it is seen by 1000 visitors but only 10 visitors clicked your advert, your ctr is 10% (10/100*100).

What is CPC?

CPC means cost-per-click which is the revenue you earn each time a visitor click your advert, CPC is determined by the advertisers.

What is CPM?

CPM is cost per 1000 impressions,advertisers running CPM ads set their desired price per 1000 ads served and pay each time their ad appears.

Let's start with the basic things you need to do before you start earning with AdSense,

First, choose the right domain name from, or any trusted domain website,if you want to run a blog,use only, for free hosting or for paid hosting and it is recommended that you use if your main aim is to earn money with it.

* Read and learn more on how to design a unique WordPress blog.

* Learn about color combination and website layouts because website layout will generate higher amount of trust to your website.

You have to design your website with cool logos fonts and menus etc

The basic things needed on your site is have your home page with the following pages in it :-

* Home page as a page where all your post will be seen. You have to understand your home page because if your homepage is properly designed it will give you more ranking..

* About page as a page which talk about your website.

* Contact us page as a page where your visitors can use to send you private messages, this include email,phone number and so on.

* Terms and conditions page as a page that guides your visitors.

* Sitemaps page for submitting to Google webmaster tools.

* Author page as a page that talks about the owner of a particular website.

* Table of content as a place that link all your pages together example Home>AdSense>how to earn money with Google AdSense.

* advertisements this are the ads you place on your website to start earning money.

To the final step, before you create a post always make use of keywords with Google AdWord keyword planner and keywordspy to get better name for your website.
If you follow the steps correctly and work hard i bet you will be earning 1000$-2000$ or more per month, don't forget that hard work pays.

NOTE: if you have any problem about my blog or misunderstanding please don't hesitate to comment on it and if there is any post or topic that you are looking for and its not in my blog please comment! comment!! comment!!!