3:53 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Wayne Rooney will probably feel that he has several more years in him yet and probably one more World Cup, but my feeling is that it's time to move on and leave the comfort zone that is Manchester United.

And I think the phrase 'comfort zone' is apt. As captain of club and country, you could argue that he is happy at Old Trafford. He's respected, the fans love him, he is at least passionate about his football and as we all know, he holds the all-time goal-scoring record for his country. There is absolutely nothing wrong in staying with one club for most of your career. Many have done exactly that, many more have been one-club servants, but for me, I think he needs to move on and ignite a spark that seems to merely flicker at United this season.

It's fair to say that under Louis van Gaal, Manchester United look a different team. Often they lack flair and are less entertaining than in past seasons. Their back four looks nothing more than adequate, but lack the Gary Pallister/Steve Bruce days of solidity in central defence. Their best option up front is now in Germany, their bright scoring hope for the future is on loan and United have found themselves in the Europa League after a poor Champions League run of games.

Van Gaal, up until recently, looked like a manager with a tenuous grip on his job and after unheard of results (0-0 at home to West Ham and a 2-1 reverse at home to Norwich), LVG looked a little hot under the collar. He certainly wasn't enjoying his press conferences!

So, that leaves Rooney, a striker of repute, of an international pedigree playing in a different position. He is almost a number ten now and recent comments from former Red Devil, Ray Wilkins, says that Rooney is more suited to a deeper role and should carry on in that zone for the remainder of his career (Sky Sports).

But, is it? Rooney is a striker. He doesn't really play off the forward players. His form has been erratic at best this season, but four goals in the last three games, shows that he still has that eye for the net - an eye for goal that will impress other teams around Europe. This summer could see at least one Spanish, German, Italian or even Turkish team asking about Rooney's services. He is still playing at the top (Premier League and England) and has been scouted before.

Rooney is just eight goals shy of Sir Bobby Charlton's club records of 249 after the game against Newcastle. He will surely walk away from Old Trafford with club and international goal-scoring records that will take years to be beaten, if they ever are. To test oneself is what life is all about. Footballers are competitive, so it doesn't make sense to see a fine player just become a number ten and see out his days with players, to a degree, a lot less talented than him.

Manchester United are a changed club. Vulnerable at the back, not so ruthless up front and they even have trouble now, encouraging the world's best to come to Old Trafford. In days gone by, a player would relish the chance to pull on the red and white shirt, but now their heads are turned elsewhere. Van Gaal takes the fun out of the game and I think Rooney is seeing those frustrations, sees the changes and maybe, just maybe, he will be more open to a move in the summer.

There's a whole world out there and one that's begging for a Wayne Rooney type player to go back to what he does best. Up front, scoring goals and being the intelligent player that he has become.