'Wheel of Fortune': Pat Sajak issues withering response after contestant goofs up

2:56 PM Unknown 0 Comments

fortune indeed
A "Wheel of Fortune" contestant committed the cardinal "Wheel of Fortune" sin: not paying attention. And panicking.
The category? The classic "Food & Drink."
Her guess? "Homemade Waffles."
Which wasn't so bad, considering the letters on the board, except for one thing: the guy in front of her just guessed the exact same answer. 
And he was wrong.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/9siuIVfX3cc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Pat Sajak's classic rejoinder?
"Still not that."
Pay attention, people.
(And the answer was "Homemade Muffins.)